Remove line breaks from your text

Text Cleaner Tool helps you in clearing your typesetting quickly and without any effort. Our tool lets you remove brackets, line breaks, and multiple spaces with a single click. You can even choose options as per your requirements.

It's completely offline once you load this page. Your text and data remains in your browser.

You can visualize the processed result just below the processed text so that you don't miss any important text.

What is a bracket remover?

It is a automated process to remove unwanted or irrelevant information from a text dataset. This may include removing extraneous characters, formatting, or other elements that do not contribute to the meaning of the text.

The bracket remover tool helps you

  1. remove line breaks
  2. remove paragraph breaks (looks for double line break)
  3. remove square brackets and its content
  4. remove parenthesis and its content
  5. remove curly brackets and its content