Hydration of Body, Urine Color and it's Relation with Body Health



  • Color of urine depends on our lifestyle which includes the amount of water we drink, the food we eat, or the medicine which we take.
  • Color of the urine can be transparent, pale yellow, transparent yellow, dark yellow, brownish orange, pinkish-red, blue, or green or it can be foamy or cloudy. 
  • The urine color based on water intake includes transparent, pale yellow, transparent yellow, dark yellow.
  • Brownish orange, pinkish-red, blue, or green, cloudy urine color indicates that a person is suffering from some kind of disease. 

As we all have often heard that we should drink eight glass of every day to keep ourself hydrated. But how do we determine the amount of water to be sufficient for us to stay hydrated or we are a healthy person with no disease? The answer lies in the color of urine.

Urine is a byproduct of our organ known as kidney which has the function of filtering blood, excreting out the excess and unwanted waste, and retaining required minerals and other elements. It also helps to regulate water in the body.

Urine color may vary from clear white to dark brown and every color of urine indicates some fact about our body. Urine color can define the hydration level of our body that is whether we are hydrated, dehydrated, or over hydrated. Also, the urine color can indicate few diseases from which a person is suffering. We will continue to know about this in further content. The pigmentation which our urine carries is “yellow”. Nearly clear or light yellow urine indicated that you are hydrated.

What does urine color tells us?

Depending on our lifestyle, the way of our living which includes what we eat, how much water we drink or how much and what kind of medicine we take, or whether we are suffering from any disease or don’t our urine color may vary. Let’s see what does our urine color means.

1. Clear or Transparent


If the color of the urine is very clear it indicates that the person is over hydrated or we can say that the person is drinking water more than the recommended amount of the water. Staying hydrated is very important in your daily routine but when you are over hydrated then you need to control the amount of water you drink. There is no such situation to panic but excess water can rob the electrolytes from the body.

2. Pale yellow


Pale yellow is the natural color of urine which indicates that the person is healthy and having an adequate amount of water as well as a person is free from kidney disease.

3. Transparent yellow


This color indicates that the person is healthy but needs to take little care of his/her hydration routine.

4. Dark yellow


Dark yellow urine color is the sign of a healthy but dehydrated person. The urine is more concentrated and appears to be dark yellow which means a person must keep an eye on his water intake.

5. Brownish orange


Here comes a point when one should be a little worried about his/her urine color and consult a doctor as the browny orange urine color can be 

  • the sign of kidney disease. adult-onset jaundice can cause an orange color.
  • or orange color urine can be the sign of dehydration.
  • or in some cases, the color of urine becomes orange because of a problem with bile duct or liver if you also have the light-colored stools.
  • or orange color can be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of few medicines.

6. Pinkish red


The reason behind the pink or red color of the urine can be your food, medicine, or blood. When the color of urine is red because of blood the reason behind the urinary blood can be 

  1. urinary tract infections,
  2. enlarged prostate,
  3. cancerous and noncancerous tumors,
  4. kidney cysts,
  5. long-distance running, 
  6. and kidney or bladder stones. 

The condition of urinary blood is known as hematuria. Food can cause urine pink or red includes beets or blueberries. Few antibiotics can cause urine red or pink.

7. Blue or green color


Few dyes, medicines, or medical conditions can cause urine blue or green. 
Dyes that are used for kidney tests or bladder functions can cause urine blue.
Intake of few medicines can cause urine blue or green.
Blue or green color of urine can be the sign of rare genetic disease.
Familial benign hypercalcemia is an inherited disease which is also known as the blue diaper syndrome.
Pseudomonas bacteria can be the reason behind the green color of urine.

8. Cloudy

Cloudy urine can be due to kidney disease or urinary tract infections.


•    https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/urine-color/symptoms-causes/syc-20367333
•    https://www.healthline.com/health/urine-color-chart
•    https://www.tahoedailytribune.com/healthy-tahoe/an-indicator-of-health-your-urine